Master Sirota inducted into Martial Arts Hall of Fame

martial arts hall of fame

Master Sirota was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame as a ‘Korean Martial Arts – Master of the Year’. This prestigious recognition was bestowed upon him for his dedicated work and commitment to creating inclusive environment at The Alchymy and pioneering martial arts for individuals with various impairments. Congrats to Master … Read more

Sirota’s Alchymy is an Angel Donor

Angel donor

We are delighted to form a partnership with Richmond Cares Richmond Gives by supporting families and their children with martial arts programs. Our commitment to the community is widespread and we continue to strive to develop partnerships to ‘Serve’ towards the Betterment of All.

Master Sirota Appointed as President of CAAID


Master Michael Sirota was appointed as President of the Canadian Association of Athletes with an Intellectual Disability (CAAID), also known as INAS Canada. CAAID is a national non-profit association working on promoting opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental impairments. CAAID is a member of the international federation that oversees all sports for athletes with … Read more

Examiner Certification For Master Sirota

martial arts events

In November 2015 Master Michael Sirota received Certificate of Qualification as a Class 2 International Examiner from the World Taekwondo Academy. This credential enables Master Sirota to test any individual who is a resident of Canada to the rank of 6th Dan Black Belt. This is a high honour as currently there are only a … Read more

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